“So, where have you been lately?”
“Went to Pyramid Lake for the first time.”
“Oh yeah? How was that?”
“It was great. Good people, big cutthroat trout. We fished from ladders.”
“Yeah. Ladders.”
Mas reportage:
AZ Wanderings
Sleep When You’re Dead
Great to finally meet you, even if I was in a zombie like state and a crappy dennys in fearnly NV or wherever the hell that was at 3:30 am. Hope to fish with you again soon. Great report.
Yes… ferry float?
Very cool way to fish! We had a guy try this years ago for coho, in tidal water! You guessed it – tide came in, and he was trapped out there! Locals now call this spot the “Ladder Pool”. His ladder was not nearly as well decked out as yours. Love the photos. Well done. Gave me a few ideas for fishing local lakes.